MRGO ing, Going, Gone?

Kudos to Dr. Bob Thomas of the Loyola University Center for Environmental Communications, and Kevin McCaffery of ePrime Media for their excellent work on the documentary MRGO ing, Going, Gone? now airing on public television. This documentary tells the story of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet, a massive and poorly planned canal dug to shorten shipping routes and bypass the 70 miles of river between New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. The canal rapidly accelerated salt water intrusion, causing massive loss of protective wetlands, cypress forests, and landmass. The role of MRGO in exacerbating hurricane impacts is chronicled, as are the historical perspectives of its development and the impacts from the nearly five decades of its existence. The documentary is a must-see for anyone seeking to better understand the dynamics of land and water in Louisiana, and it serves as a lesson for all who seek to use massive engineering projects that alter natural systems in the quest for economic benefit, for Nature always bats last. 

MRGO ing, Going, Gone? is currently airing on public television, and is also available directly from the producers via

Here's a link to the official press release.