Native plant NEWS from our friends at Bayou Rebirth!

Native Plant Tour - Big Lake and Couturie Forest Saturday, Dec. 7

WHEN: 10am - 12pm

WHERE: Meet at parking lot on Freidrichs Ave. just west of Wisner inside City Park
WHAT: Tour of trails and lagoons highlighting native plants, trees and wildlife habitat
WHY: To tour the park's hidden treasures and learn how to identify native (and nonnative) trees
To register: There is a $10 fee for this tour, which can be paid at **ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED - please email if paying cash

Marsh grass planting at Bonnet Carre' Spillway, Monday, Dec. 9 - Seeking volunteer Team Leaders

WHEN: 8:30am - 3pm (at the latest)
WHERE: Meet at Propeller, 4035 Washington Ave., to load plants before carpooling to site
WHAT: Lead teams of fifth graders from Craig Elementary in a planting project on lakeshore
WHY: This planting is Bayou Rebirth's final session with Craig Elementary's students - part of a 5-month fitness and environmental education program facilitated by Mission Continues fellow Kendric Perkins and project assistant Keely Hill under the guidance of Dana Eness of Urban Conservancy
To RSVP: email or call Colleen at 504-701-1880
"Native Louisiana Plants - Therapy for the Soul and the Planet" talk in Abita Springs, Dec. 10
WHEN: 5pm-6:30pm
WHERE: Women's Center for Healing and Transformation, 71667 Leveson St., Abita Springs, La.
WHAT: Director Colleen Morgan discusses the therapeutic qualities of gardening, the benefits of native plants to the wildlife and the ecosystem, and will have native plants on hand for discussion and for sale
WHY: To benefit Bayou Rebirth and Bayou Natives, our new native plant nursery and broker
To register: There is a $10 fee for this talk, which can be paid at - **ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED
Bayou Natives Christmas Native Plant Sale Saturday, Dec. 14

WHEN: 10am - 1pm

WHERE: 4035 Washington Ave., next to Propeller

WHAT: Sale of native grasses, flowering plants, shrubs and trees

WHY: To benefit Bayou Rebirth, New Orleans, and the wildlife that live here - get the gift that gives
Louisiana iris planting in City Park, Wednesday, Dec. 18 - Seeking volunteer Team Leaders

WHEN: 8am - 1pm (at the latest)

WHERE: Meet at Propeller, 4035 Washington Ave., to load plants

WHAT: Lead teams of first graders from Metairie Academy in a planting project along lagoons

WHY: This planting is Bayou Rebirth's final session of Metairie Academy's wetlands education program, which has been a part of the school's annual field trip schedule since 2008 (minus one year)

To RSVP: email or call Colleen at 504-701-1880